Escuela Superior
Musical Arts
Cursos extraordinarios
en Musical Arts
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Inscripciones abiertas
Curso 2023/2024
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Musical Arts is an official higher education center for musical studies in Madrid, dedicated to training the new generation of great artists.

Latest news

Registration is now open for the entrance exams for the Bachelor's Degree Programs in Higher Artistic Education in Music for the 2024/2025 academic year.

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Study at Musical Arts

Musical Arts offers official and proprietary programs designed to educate 21st-century musicians.

Start your

professional career

At Musical Arts, we believe in the power of music to help us grow.

Apply now to 2024/2025 academic year

Study at Musical Arts

Musical Arts
Summer Program

Summer course at Escuela Superior Musical Arts de Madrid

From june 5th to 15th, 2024.

See faculty and masterclasses


Entérate de todos los conciertos de la Escuela Superior Musical Arts en diferentes escenarios de Madrid y el resto de España.

Ver todos los conciertos

Undergraduate degrees

Our Official Undergraduate Degree Program follows the framework of the European Higher Education Area for Official Artistic Higher Education.

Master's and postgraduate

Take your music to the next level with the official master's and postgraduate studies offered by Musical Arts in collaboration with the International University of Valencia.


Discover the available admission processes to start your studies at Musical Arts.


Meet the great concert performers and educators who are part of the faculty at Musical Arts.

Learn from the best artists.

The study programs at Musical Arts are led by some of the top artists from the national and international scene, who help you develop all the necessary skills to become the musician you aspire to be.

Know the faculty
Educational institution supported by Kawai & Shigeru Kawai Spain

Cursos y encuentros pedagógicos

Musical Arts lleva a cabo cursos y clases magistrales extraordinarias de inscripción abierta para alumnado externo en Madrid

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